Trials of Success
Nature Fun Ranch has become best friend with success. We have many success stories which not only motivate the leaders to keep on keeping on but inspire the youth and remind them the ‘Yes You Can!!’
From 1 June 1998 to 1 April 2016, our records: Application File, Sign In Books, Computer Files and Attendance Apps show that 2064 persons has expressed interest in NFR from varying backgrounds, gender and ages
Leaders and Volunteers | 10% |
Recreation | 20% |
Block and Gangster behaviour | 13% |
Anger / Fighting | 16% |
Uncontrollable at home | 9% |
Drug Use | 7% |
Acting up, Staying inside, Poor School attendance | 5% |
Abuse | 2% |
Neglet | 3% |
Inactive / Obesity Risk | 3% |
Withdrawn / Suicidal | 2% |
Assault | 6% |
Gambling | 3% |
Gun Possession | 1% |
100% |
Success Rates
92% did not offend or reoffend while in the programme or after the programme and are making a valuable contribution to society.

2019 Super Summer Camp Fire Awards Ranchers collaborate with the leading media companies to promote peace in the Anti-Violence and Get Loud Campaign Rancher Jamali Farrell graduated and Student of the Year in the A Ganar Programme Anderson Gill, Redari McConney and Nathan Gill honored by Optimist Club over the years for their Community Work. Various members of the group participate in Panel Discussion on Youth issues Anderson Gill, Redari McConney and Nathan Gill honored by Optimist Club over the years for their Community Work. Various members of the group participate in Panel Discussion on Youth issues Nicholas Gill and Dave ‘Jungle’ Archer (RIP) from first Ranch Intake both gaining 1st Place in Local and Regional Body Building and Fitness Competition Assistant Ranch Chief Dario Greenidge represent Barbados and International Club on the world scene in Hockey Deputy Ranch Chief Anderson Gill and Senior Youth Director Akiel Harding representing Barbados in China Teshawn Hazelwood and a number of other jockeys have been able to start Race Day Jockey Careers 2019 Chef Course ‘Cooking with Class’ 2019 Chef Course ‘Cooking with Class’ Hundreds of youth are able to benefit from the Ranch to Work Programme arrangement we have with a number of Warehouses, Bottlers, Recyclers and Landscapers Assistant Ranch Chief Jerosha Small enrolled in Pilot School Ranchers annually enroll in the Agri-preneurship program at the Ministry of Agriculture to learn more formally about the business of Agriculture. Jockeys in training performing well in the annual Scurry Races